© Copyright 2019, Drew Bourrut, All rights reserved
Nori’s Nook

This is as quiet as it can be

A squirrel skitters: "hey look at me"

Muffled train whistles in the air

People are coming and going somewhere

The crispy clean cushion of new-fallen white

Has sound-proofed the world during the night

I see a V-shaped flock of geese take flight

No gaggling - just floating- a beautiful sight!

This pristine pure picture-perfect panorama

Is merely a sugar-coated version of the drama

Hiding under temporary cover of innocence:

The noise will return as will its disturbance!

Let us cherish these soft soothing sparkling flakes!

All too soon they will melt into polluted lakes

And expose once again the constant cacophony

Of Suburbia's usual chaotic symphony!



Silence in Suburbia

© Copyright 2019, Drew Bourrut all rights reserved
Nori’s Nook


This is as quiet as it can be

A squirrel skitters: "hey look at me"

Muffled train whistles in the air

People are coming and going somewhere

The crispy clean cushion of new-fallen white

Has sound-proofed the world during the night

I see a V-shaped flock of geese take flight

No gaggling - just floating- a beautiful sight!

This pristine pure picture-perfect panorama

Is merely a sugar-coated version of the drama

Hiding under temporary cover of innocence:

The noise will return as will its disturbance!

Let us cherish these soft soothing sparkling flakes!

All too soon they will melt into polluted lakes

And expose once again the constant cacophony

Of Suburbia's usual chaotic symphony!
