© Copyright 2019, Drew Bourrut, All rights reserved
Nori’s Nook

Playing with words on a Sunday

A flight of fancy and images...

For instance: the eye - or the I

The eye is a mini-camera

Ir reflects others that I see!

The sound -eye- rhymes with - I -

The meanings so different yet so alike

An "eye for an eye"- a violent image

Yet an " I for an I" is but a substitute

Most of us have two eyes

Yet we are often blind to the "I"

The I of who we are!




© Copyright 2019, Drew Bourrut all rights reserved
Nori’s Nook


Playing with words on a Sunday

A flight of fancy and images...

For instance: the eye - or the I

The eye is a mini-camera

Ir reflects others that I see!

The sound -eye- rhymes with - I -

The meanings so different yet so alike

An "eye for an eye"- a violent image

Yet an " I for an I" is but a substitute

Most of us have two eyes

Yet we are often blind to the "I"

The I of who we are!
